
At SiminBlock, we have a proven track record of solving complex problems in the Fin-tech industry, especially in the area of risk management. To meet the needs of our clients, we have developed a range of solutions using Hyperledger Fabric, including a cryptographic wallet and a Non-fungible token (NFT) platform that secure valuable assets.

Our work in this area began when Siminvest approached us with a need for an enterprise-level solution to solve accounting problems and shared ledgers across the globe. We responded by developing a wallet based on one open-source permissioned base distributed ledgers manager, as well as an NFT smart contract system to save the rights of clients’ access tokens.

To achieve these goals, we hired a team of experts with specialized skills in administration and development of Hyperledger Fabric networks, creating low-level API systems, programming and administering distributed and decentralized permissioned blockchain networks based on Hyperledger Fabric, and executing smart contracts on the network.

As a result of our efforts, we have developed a cryptographic wallet based on ERC20 tokenization, which can be used as an infrastructure for other services. We have also developed an NFT platform based on ERC721 tokenization, which can secure valuable assets and rights. Both solutions work seamlessly with any business usage and can be transferred to your company at any time.

In addition to the wallet and NFT platform, we have also developed a range of tools to make it easier for clients to interact with the network, including a web app, API service, and network dashboard. These tools provide a seamless user experience and enable our clients to easily manage their assets and access tokens.

Overall, at SiminBlock, we are committed to developing innovative solutions that solve complex problems in the Fin-tech industry. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals with cutting-edge solutions based on Hyperledger Fabric.

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